SMI Simulation & Modelling R&D Workshop

The Singapore Maritime Institute (SMI) co-organised a Simulation & Modelling R&D Workshop with the Maritime Institute @ Singapore Polytechnic (MI@SP) in Singapore Polytechnic on 21st September 2012.

The workshop covered the technological challenges of simulation & modelling to identify viable projects and common R&D focus areas, with a focus on the following possible areas:

1) Navigation and ship control (ship motion, 4 degree of freedom)
2) Marine operations in Arctic
3) LNG cargo operations
4) Dynamic positioning
5) Fatigue and Structure Analysis
6) Trim Optimisation
7) Crisis Simulation

8) Mathematical ship modelling (hydrodynamic, CFD)
9) Geometrical modelling
10) Harbour and Fairway modelling
11) Structure & Loading
12) Ship Propulsion/Cavitation Modelling
13) LNG Sloshing & LNG Tank Design & Modelling


0830 Registration
Morning Coffee/Tea
0900 Opening Address
Mr Heng Chiang Gnee, Executive Director, SMI
0905 Presentation – MI@SP / FORCE Technology
Capt Andrew Lerh, SP
Dr Ole Vilmann, FORCE Technology
0925 Presentation – IHPC
Dr Lou Jing & Dr Sridhar Narayanaswamy
0945 Presentation – NTU
Prof Eddie Ng
1000 Presentation – NUS
Prof Choo Yoo Sang
1015 Teabreak
1045 Presentation by Nippon Kaiji Kyokai (ClassNK)
Mr Toshiya Iwashita, Practica R&D Promotion Division
1100 Panel Discussion – Simulation
Facilitated by Capt. Gopala Krishnan, SP)
1145 Panel Discussion – Modelling
Facilitated by Dr Sridhar Narayanaswamy, IHPC
1230 Closing Remarks
Mr Heng Chiang Gnee, Executive Director, SMI
1235 Networking Lunch
1400 Tour of Integrated Simulation Centre (Optional)