SMI and MPA organise Next Generation Container Port Challenge
- Press Releases
- October 12, 2011
Top prize of US$1 million for Challenge winner
The first major project undertaken by the Singapore Maritime Institute (SMI) to support its strategy of “research & development (R&D) for breakthrough applications” is the Next Generation Container Port (NGCP) Challenge. Mr Lui Tuck Yew, Minister for Transport and Second Minister for Foreign Affairs, announced SMI,s plans for this international competition that aims to spearhead innovation and raise R&D awareness within the maritime industry.
Co-organised by SMI and the Maritime and Port Authority of Singapore (MPA), the NGCP Challenge will encourage participants from all over the world to submit innovative proposals and breakthrough ideas on how to plan, design and operate the next generation of container ports that exemplify performance, productivity and sustainability. A cash prize of US$1 million dollars awaits the winner of this international competition.
The problem statement for the Challenge will be announced during Singapore Maritime Week (SMW) 2012, which will take place from 22 to 27 April 2012. Submissions will be judged by an international panel of representatives from the Singapore government, the maritime industry and academic institutions. The winner of the NGCP Challenge will be announced during SMW 2013.
Mr Lam Yi Young, MPA,s Chief Executive, said “The Next Generation Container Port Challenge is one of the first major projects undertaken by SMI since it was set up. Beyond the NGCP Challenge, I am sure that SMI will continue to work on new programmes to develop Singapore as an international maritime Research & Development and knowledge hub.”
One year since the announcement of its formation, the SMI presented its strategies to achieve its vision of a thriving maritime industry in Singapore that is driven by knowledge and innovation.
SMI,s aims to realise its three goals of world-class R&D, training & education and thought leadership in policy formulation, to strengthen Singapore,s academic and research capabilities. It has received strong support from government and industry representatives, who were present at the inaugural SMI Forum.
Speaking on the sidelines of the Forum, Mr Teo Siong Seng, Chairman of the Board and Governing Council of the SMI said “The creation of the Singapore Maritime Institute as a joint effort by the three government agencies demonstrate the importance of the maritime industry and the commitment by Singapore to strengthen our position as a leading International

Above: Mr Lui Tuck Yew, Minister for Transport and Second Minister for Foreign Affairs, announces the Next Generation Container Port Challenge during his opening address

Above: Mr Lui Tuck Yew, Minister for Transport and Second Minister for Foreign Affairs, with members of the SMI Board and Governing Council, keynote speakers, and guests at the inaugural SMI Forum