Launch of S$6 million Asset Integrity & Risk Management (AIM) R&D Programme

Launch of S$6 million Asset Integrity & Risk Management (AIM) R&D Programme

As part of Singapore Maritime Institute,s (SMI) efforts to support the offshore industry in Singapore, the Asset Integrity & Risk Management (AIM) Research and Development (R&D) Programme is established to address industry challenges and develop R&D capabilities in areas relating to offshore asset integrity and risk management in oil & gas exploration and production (E&P). A total research grant amounting to S$6 million has been allocated to promote research through this open thematic grant call for proposals. This call for proposals under the AIM R&D Programme aims to seek proposals involving innovative ideas, approaches and technologies towards improving the safety of offshore E&P activities.

SMI welcomes research proposals / applications from Principal Investigators and researchers from the public sector research performers in Singapore for consideration towards funding. The public sector research performers include publicly funded Institutes of Higher Learning (IHLs) and Research Institutes (RIs) under the Agency for Science, Technology and Research (A*STAR). Applicants are strongly encouraged to collaborate with the industry as well as other eligible IHLs and research institutes. Projects submitted in the identified themes will be viewed and evaluated on a higher priority.

More information on the Asset Integrity & Risk Management R&D Programme can be found HERE.

For enquiries on the call for proposal, kindly contact Ms Serene Soh at