Present Research and Challenges in Computational Methods for Naval and Offshore Engineering
Nowadays, computational methods are widely used tools to assist engineers in the design and verification of naval and offshore structures. Among the current practical applications of the computational methods, we can find: strength and fatigue analysis in operating and limit conditions; study of impact problems such as slamming, green water, sloshing, etc.; fluid and seabed interaction of pipelines or risers; structural response of the platforms in waves; interaction among moored vessels, etc. But we should be very critical to select the right method in every case, and identify which approaches are feasible for design purposes and which are only useful for research tasks. This presentation will review different computational methods in naval and offshore engineering field, including recent developments and applications of Eulerian RANSE/LES, ALE/Lagrangian RANSE, BEM/FEM Potential, Particle FEM and Discrete Element Method.
The lecture will be delivered by Dr Julio Garcia Espinosa, Vice-dean for research FNB (Barcelona Tech, UPC) and Head of the Naval & Maritime Department of CIMNE.
For registration, kindly click HERE.
Additional Details
Contact Person - Ms Norela Buang
Contact Number - +65 5164314
Organizer - CORE, NUS, IMarEST, SNAMES