Ocean Waves in Maritime Engineering and Oceanography

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Ocean surface waves are a dynamic process at the air-sea interface which plays the principal role both in maritime engineering and in geophysical applications. In ocean engineering, the waves provide most of the loads on offshore and floating structures, impact pipelines and affect soil properties at the ocean bed, define design criteria of elevated decks, determine reliability, safety and risk of operation and navigation. They are the major contributor to the beach erosion and sediment transport in coastal engineering, to the propagation of ocean pollutants in environmental engineering. Surface waves are the key property employed in the remote sensing methods.

In the geophysical context, ocean waves and their forecast, including generations of waves by the wind, propagation of wind seas and swells, wave breaking, extreme windwave conditions, interactions of waves with currents, wave dynamics in finite depths present an important topic in its own right. It is also becoming clear that many largescale geophysical processes are essentially coupled with the surface waves, and those include climate, weather, tropical cyclones and other phenomena in the lower atmosphere and upper ocean. In turn, the wind-wave climate has been reported changing and its patterns shifting. Such wave-coupled effects have been a rapidly developing field in the metocean and climate research.

In the lecture, recent progress in the ocean-wave research will be presented. These include novel fully nonlinear models of surface waves based on exact analytical approaches, advances in wave forecast through new observation-based physics in spectral modelling, including extreme conditions, role of waves in large-scale air-sea interactions, and a newly described phenomenon of wave-induced upper-ocean mixing, investigation of long-term trends in wind and wave climate.

Emphasis will be given to applications of the advancing oceanographic knowledge to the ocean industry needs. In particular, a new approach to the exceedance probability for wave heights, topics of wave-field instabilities, directionality, short-crestedness, windwave interactions will be discussed. Outstanding issues and new promising technologies will be outlined.

For online registration, click HERE.

Additional Details

Contact Person - Ms Norela Buang

Contact Number - 6516 4314

Organizer - Society of Naval Architects & Marine Engineer S'pore, Joint Branch of RINA & IMarEST (S'pore),Centre of Innovation - Marine & Offshore Technology, NP & Centre for Offshore Research & Engineering, NUS


Date And Time

15 Jan 2013 @ 06:00 PM

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