MTEC 2014

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MTEC 2014
International Maritime and Port Technology and Development Conference

First Announcement and Call for Abstracts

Initial paper selection will be based on a one-page abstract of up to 300 words for one of the areas covered by the conference. Authors of accepted abstracts will be invited to submit a full paper. Final acceptance will be based on peer review. Accepted and presented papers will be published and distributed by Tylor & Francis Group in printed proceedings as well as electronically. Papers will be indexed in ISI, EI, Scopus and others. Selected papers will be considered for publication in the journal Ship Technology Research / Schiffstechnik. Please send us your contribution through the on-line submission portal at, within the following deadlines:

Abstract submission: 31st January 2014
Abstract acceptance: 15th February 2014
Paper submission: 1st June 2014
Paper acceptance: August 2014
Early registration: September 15th 2014

The MTEC conferences will alternate between Singapore and Trondheim. The Trondheim events will tend towards maritime technology while Singapore events tend towards ports. The conference is a meeting point for industry and academia and aims to present relevant scientific papers with clear technical applications. Submissions in the following and related areas are welcome:

  • Efficient and environmentally friendly energy use in ships and ports
  • Demanding and safe maritime operations and intervention
  • Maritime transport and operations in the Arctic
  • Non-technical effects on ship design and operation: Law, contracts, trade, etc.
  • Remotely controlled and monitored shipping, traffic surveillance and control
  • Port-ship interface optimization
  • Effective port infrastructure
  • Single windows and private-public information exchanges in port
  • LNG and other novel fuels: Distribution and use
  • Education of port and marine experts
  • Optimization in maritime logistics, fleet and vessel design

The conference is organized by MARINTEK and NTNU in Norway and co-organized by MPA, NUS, NTU, SMA and NP in Singapore. The Research Council of Norway is supporting the conference.

For more information, visit or email

Additional Details

Contact Person - Mr Yow Liang Keon

Contact Number - +65 6375 1721

Organizer - MARINTEK and NTNU


Date And Time

27 Oct 2014 @ 09:00 AM to
29 Oct 2014 @ 06:00 PM

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