Ice-Induced Vibration of Offshore Structures: Synchronisation and the transition from intermittent to locked-in

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Previous research has shown that the force between ice and a structure is very far from uniformly distributed in space and highly variable in time. A detailed reexamination of field measurements on nine load panels on the Nörstromsgrund lighthouse in the northern Baltic displays the same non-uniformity. Before iceinduced vibration begins, the forces on individual panels are random and uncorrelated. The loads on individual panels then progressively synchronise in frequency and phase, and as they do so vibrations start and build up. A Kuramoto plot quantifies the synchronisation.

This is an instance of the entrainment phenomenon well known in other areas of physics and biology. It can be simulated by a simple mechanical model. The results throw light on the conditions under which ice-induced vibrations start, and on when they will stop. They can be compared with other instances of non-uniform loading from ice, such as those observed by Sodhi with tactile sensors.

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Additional Details

Contact Person - Prof Andrew Palmer

Contact Number - 6515 4601

Organizer - Center for Offshore Research and Engineering, CORE and Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering, NUS


Date And Time

27 Mar 2013 @ 04:30 PM

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