CREATING NEW SPACE: The Sociotechnical System of Singapore’s Underwater City
While the economy is expanding, one of the biggest challenges Singapore faces is the lack of space. Consequently, the Singapore government is seeking for breakthrough solutions to overcome the issues of land scarcity. One possible solution is to build an underwater infrastructure, which aims to extend Singapore’s spatial limits to the sea. This ground breaking approach will make use of the underwater space such that social-economic life is situated in a completely new environment. Focusing on the extended space of Singapore, this presentation discusses two socio-technical aspects of Singapore’s future underwater city, namely risk and sustainability that will shape social connectivity and the landscape of Singapore as a whole. The presentation identifies the major features in the unique socio-technical configuration of the Underwater City that underpins a long-term operation of the facility.
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Additional Details
Contact Person - Ms Norela Buang
Contact Number - 6516 4314
Organizer - Center for Offshore Research and Engineering, CORE and Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering, NUS