CORE Seminar “Computational Fluid Dynamics for Classification of Ships and Offshore Structures”

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Classification of ships and offshore structures is traditionally viewed as one of the more practical sides of a maritime business. But the role of classification societies is becoming more complex, and CFD is playing an important part in that revolution. Classification rules are constantly updated to reflect a better understanding of the associated physics and technologies. Hydrodynamic loading gained from CFD simulations is a focal point in better qualifying realistic conditions for use in classification criteria. Vessel owners often ask class societies to consider equivalencies to the class rules, and those need to be backed up by thorough physical analysis of the underlying risks. Classification Societies are even taking on entirely new roles in areas like ensuring IMO-imposed requirements on energy efficiency and carbon emissions, and assisting designers and owners learn the best ways to improve their fleets. This presentation will demonstrate the multitude of ways CFD plays a vital role in this new Class Society business model. Practical examples are derived from structural loading of ships in a seaway; optimization of propulsive efficiency; platform loads in extreme seas; internal loads due to sloshing fluids; loads due to vortex-induced motions; maneuvering performance; and fluidstructures interaction.

About the Speaker

Dr. Richard Korpus is Chief Scientist in charge of CFD applications at the American Bureau of Shipping. His experience spans a range including more than 10 years as CFD code developer; and 10 more years building the business of applying CFD to design. He is currently focused on integrating ship and platform related CFD applications into major ABS service offerings.

Admission is free and please contact Ms. Norela Buang at +65 6516 4314 or for registration and further enquiry.

Additional Details

Contact Person - Ms Norela Buang

Contact Number - +65 6516 4314

Organizer - CORE


Date And Time

15 Jul 2014 @ 04:30 PM

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