3rd SMI Forum sets out Singapore’s R&D roadmap till 2025
- Press Releases
- October 23, 2013
Following extensive industry consultations over the past nine months, the Singapore Maritime Institute (SMI) presented its Research and Development (R&D) Roadmap 2025 for Singapore at the third annual SMI Forum.
R&D Roadmap 2025
The R&D Roadmap sets out a framework for maritime, marine and offshore R&D in Singapore up to 2025. SMI will set aside significant funding for initiatives and projects arising from the R&D Roadmap. A key objective of the Roadmap is to provide clarity and direction for SMI and stakeholders for resource allocation, R&D programme planning and capability development initiatives.
Following consultations with the maritime and offshore industry, local academia and research institutions, SMI has identified five key R&D focus areas for the maritime sector and five for the marine and offshore sector to better focus the R&D efforts for the next 12 years. The Roadmap will be reviewed on a regular basis to ensure that it stays relevant and useful for the industry.
SMI Maritime Fellowship Programme
During the Forum, SMI also announced the introduction of a new SMI Maritime Fellowship Programme that aims to develop the expertise and capabilities within local Institutes of Higher Learning (IHLs) to better realise the key thrusts identified under the R&D Roadmap.
The S$4 million programme will commence in January 2014 and will be for an initial period of three years. The Maritime Fellowship Programme looks at engaging maritime industry experts and promising academia to support the growth of a pool of quality maritime researchers and academics in Singapore to support R&D activities as well as education and training initiatives within the IHLs.
Maritime Energy Test Bed Facility
In line with one of the R&D Roadmap,s thrust of developing research capabilities and technologies for green ship and energy efficiency, SMI will also support the establishment of the first well-engineered Maritime Energy Test Bed Facility (METB) in Singapore at the Nanyang Technological University (NTU). The METB will enable Institutes of Higher Learning, Research Institutes and companies to collaborate for research relating to energy and emission management.
The METB will be set up at an estimated cost of S$8.1 million. SMI will provide funding of S$4.7 million while NTU will contribute S$3.4 million with support from the industry. The facility will be operationally ready in 2015 and it will enable translation of innovative technologies from lab-scale to large-scale application where new technologies will be tested prior to sea trials. The facility will be a significant component in demonstrating and raising Singapore,s maritime R&D capabilities and expertise.
The three initiatives were announced by Mr S.S. Teo, Chairman of SMI,s Board and Governing Council, during his opening address at the SMI Forum 2013. Mr Teo also shared that “These initiatives are indeed exciting developments not only for SMI, but Maritime Singapore as well. I hope these initiatives further facilitate collaborations between SMI, the industry players and our partners in academia”.
“I also like to thank all stakeholders for their help and funding. The total funding committed till date is approximately S$ 33 million in support of 20 projects since SMI,s inception. SMI will also set aside significant funding to support R&D activities as per the R&D Roadmap,” Mr Teo added.
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For the press release by Nanyang Technological University (NTU) on the Maritime Energy Test Bed Facility, kindly click here.